Duplex Invest
Ready to start DUPLEX / Development Projects in NSW, VIC, QLD and SA.
If you have decided that a duplex is going to be your next investment, you also need to consider whether you have the time and expertise to invest in:
Researching council requirements for multi-dwelling developments
Land negotiation and acquisition
Arranging finance
Working with an architect and planner to create an approvable multi-dwelling design
- Selecting a builder and negotiating on price and timelines
- Reviewing and altering contracts
- Researching potential development profit and returns by working with local agents
Oversight of Construction and the Builder
Handover, completion inspection, and builder maintenance
Sale and/or rental of the completed development
We have already factored in all of the above for our ready to start duplex/development projects, and it is included in our fixed price turnkey contracts. This allows us to provide full project management to completion, even helping you find a tenant or sell the project when finished.
Full Management of Your Project
Although our ready to start duplex/development projects are exceptional, we understand that our clients have their own ideas and dreams as to where they wish to develop.
We can offer you all of the below services in the location of your choosing:
Research on council requirements for multi-dwelling developments
Land negotiation and acquisition
Arranging finance
Working with an architect and planner to create an approvable multi-dwelling design
Selecting a builder and negotiating on price and timelines
Reviewing and altering contracts
Researching potential development profit and returns by working with local agents
- Oversight of Construction and the Builder
- Handover, completion inspection, and builder maintenance
Sale and/or rental of the end project

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